Can you please give me a good response?

    • मुक्त
      -13 years ago

      Your argument would have been strong if mortality data corraborated it. But there is a problem - not one nation has published relevant data for 2020. In fact, for my nation, 2017 is the last year for which good data is available.

    3 years ago

    go to /r/nursing and sort by top of all time and just read the posts and the respective top comments, most of it is about covid patients and how absolutely awful the situation is

    most people think that getting covid is a black and white case of either dying with a chance of around 2 % or surviving and being perfectly fine, when in reality you might get permanent lung damage, making a walk from your bed to the kitchen seem like running a maraphon

    or get brain damage from hypoxia, so that you get what’s called brain fog, meaning that your consciousness will be clouded for an unknown time

    or any number of yet undescovered side effects

    tldr iirc there is a small chance to get sick from a vaccine, but there is an exponentially higher change to get sick without a vaccine and suffer much worse consequences

        03 years ago

        literally half to two thirds of the population in first world countries fall into this categories, and even if you don’t, just because the rists are lower doesn’t mean you still can’t suffer any number of terrible consequences from covid

    • मुक्त
      -13 years ago

      Covid vaccination is different from other vaccinations as being vaccinated doesn’t mean that you have become immune to covid, or that these “side effects” won’t happen. Thousands of double vaccinated people have already died from covid.

        03 years ago

        that’s how all of vaccines work: you can still get sick and suffer side effects even if you’re vaccined, but the chances are significantly reduced, which is the whole point

        • मुक्त
          3 years ago

          The covid vaccines actually increase the chances of getting covid in certain populations. Check last two columns of Table 2 on page 13 of 41st weekly review of covid vaccination for instance. Not how vaccines are expected to work.

          Compare this with say polio vaccine which reduces chances of catching to less than 0.1%.

      • @sexy_peachA
        03 years ago

        Lmao that’s how all vaccines work. Don’t spread misinformation.

  • @sexy_peachA
    13 years ago

    Imagine if you gave almost every old person in this country a glass of water. The day after lots of them would be dead! Because old people die.

    3 years ago

    First of all it doesn’t matter if you win this argument. Herd immunity does not require 100% of people to be vaccinated. That’s why it’s such solid public health policy, and why vaccine mandates are so controversial. It doesn’t matter one iota if this one guy and all his friends don’t get vaccinated.

    Seconly, the first data I found was this.

    As of January 8, 2021, 55 deaths were reported, and the mortality rate of COVID-19 vaccination was 8.2 per million population. A total of 37 deaths were reported among long-term care facility residents, and the mortality rate was 53.4 per million population. Top reported comorbidities associated with deaths included hypertension, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, and heart failure. In addition, dementia was more likely to be associated with deaths vaccinated at long-term care facilities than at other locations.

    Fairly insignificant then. It’s less than the chance of being murdered each year (for an englishman). Less than the chance of randomly dying for some other reason that day. And it’s less than the chance of dying from running a marathon. Source

    I didn’t do the sums, but I’d wager it’s also less than the chance of contracting and dying from covid.

    Unless you are demented or diabetic etc, you’re probably fine. Anyway, it’s a free choice he can make. None of anyone else’s business, unless he’s unfortunate enough to live in Italy.

    • मुक्त
      03 years ago

      Here is a twitter thread listing deaths of vaccinated Indians due to medical issues.

      Just Indians alone.

        3 years ago

        i give statistics from an actual study, and you respond with a list of anecdotes?

        you are the problem. you can convince yourself of anything, just by cherry picking the right anecdotes. you’ll believe exactly what you want to believe, with no consideration for the truth.

        • मुक्त
          03 years ago

          Dude, that pretty much proves you are parrotong what you have been fed by authorities.

          What I gave you is much more than the statistical aggregates you are talking about. Newspapers have published the names, age, etc for each of them.

          And I don’t know what is your exposure to the field of statistics, but 5000 “anecdotes” are statistically significant.

        • मुक्त
          03 years ago

          I am just suspiscious of what govt does. I still don’t know what kind of fear China put into politicians so that Chinese flu doesn’t exist, but Indian variant does.

            3 years ago

            according to conventional wisdom, you shouldn’t call it Indian variant just as you shouldn’t call it Wuhan flu. it’s delta variant and covid 19. there’s no hypocrisy there. they (the WHO i guess) are being sensible and consistent.

            so there’s one less reason to be suspicious :)

            • मुक्त
              03 years ago

              You got it the wrong way. Conventional wisdom says it should be chinese flu, just like spanish flu. Delta variant and covid19 come from the current fashionable wisdom.

                03 years ago

                Spanish flu is conventionally called Influenza A.

                I guess all this stuff is debatable. In historical discussions, you might use the more geographical names, but never in medicine. No-one ever gets diagnosed with Spanish flu these days.

                • मुक्त
                  03 years ago

                  Conventional name is spanish flu only. Hardly anyone knows that Spanish flu was a type of Influenza A, actually this remains debateable if it was indeed Influenza A.

                  People do get Influenza A today, but not Spanish flu.

  • @pingveno@lemmy.mlM
    03 years ago

    From what I’ve heard, this misconception comes from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Pretty much any issues that come up after a vaccination are reported to the system. Using that data, the CDC can detect side effects with extremely low rates of occurrence. Since vaccines are administered to the entire population, it is critical to detect these issues because even problems that are unlikely to arise from an individual dose will result in widespread harm.

    Unfortunately, people who don’t have an intuitive grasp of statistics have full access to VAERS. They will cry foul when they see thousands of deaths without realizing that those deaths have no relationship to the vaccine nor any particular similarity to each other. They are simply records that are there to ferret out any issues that were not detected in trials. That then goes viral on the Internet without even less context and reaches people like your friend.