Most intrusive apps include Google’s Socratic, Duolingo, AI ARTA, Chat AI, DaVinci and K Health, according to an investigation by Home Security Heroes. 64% of investigated AI-powered apps track users’ personal data for their own marketing benefits.

74% of AI apps also track Identifiers. These are a set of unique serial numbers or character strings that are specific to a user’s device. They include user IDs, such as a screen name, handle, and account ID, and device IDs, including category identifiers, such as the device’s advertising identifier.

16% of the apps track contact information. Contact info includes personally identifiable information such as name and address.

  • PCH
    21 year ago

    Can’t say I’m at all surprised at this.

  • Qazwsxedcrfv000
    11 year ago

    I would be more suprised if all these “AI apps” are running their own servers and AI services.