In the 115-page report, “‘Join Us or Die’: Rwanda’s Extraterritorial Repression,” Human Rights Watch documents a wide array of tactics that, when used together, form a global ecosystem of repression aimed at muzzling dissenting voices and intimidating actual, perceived, or potential critics, including Rwandans who have sought international protection.

The combination of physical violence, including killings and enforced disappearances, surveillance, misuse of law enforcement – both domestic and international – abuses against relatives in Rwanda, and damaging people’s reputation through online harassment constitute clear efforts to isolate potential critics.

The report is here (pdf, 115 pages):

    99 months ago

    The problem is they don’t see these people as human, they see them as a neat wedge issue to placate their voter base and distract them from the absolute fucking farce that has been the last few years of Tory rule

    • Flax
      39 months ago

      What else do we do with them? They’re literally coming from France

        79 months ago

        home them. every western country has so many resources we make The Grapes of Wrath look like The Blueberries of Being a Bit Miffed.

        The idea that we’re running out of literally anything is a right wing lie to gain popularity

        (this is hyperbole, please don’t reply mentioning something like running out of oil in 2060, or Helium or some shit that is irrelevant to political asylum)

        • Flax
          -19 months ago

          Ah yes and allow them to come moreso in droves and drown in the sea, while they set up their own little bubbles within our society and refuse to assimilate. No.

          • Uranium 🟩
            49 months ago

            Except the whole bit where the government refused to make a deal regarding processing of asylum applications whilst they’re still on the French side, inherently creating this issue of them drowning in the sea, heck there still might be some which attempt it, but it’d certainly be lower than the current situation.

            By removing legitimate methods to apply for asylum, they’ve exacerbated this situation.