• @bob_lemon
    131 month ago

    Season 3 is far from the finale that the show deserved, but it’s well worth a watch.

      • WeirdAlex03
        101 month ago

        It will leave you wishing there was a full third season, but in a good way

        Even though the writers/producers were dealt a bad hand, that didn’t stop them from making an excellent finale. If you felt the pacing pick up a bit in the latter half of season 2, you’ll still feel that here, and they didn’t get to neatly wrap up all the storylines, but it was a brilliant result imo. You should definitely watch it!

        (also take note of the first word of the three episodes 😉)

        • PrivateNoob
          81 month ago

          Oh yeah that pacing pick up was huge most definitely. Bringing the lads to the IRL world and in such a devastated state, opens up huge possibilites. Also I’m a sucker for cartoons which dares to pack heavy themes into it’s story.

          There will be no disappointment for sure. :3