Since a couple days, Voyager keep disconnecting me at a iregular interval, so i wanted to know if others Voyager/any other clients users have the same issue and how to fix it.

  • federalreverse-old
    -16 months ago

    Your server has updated to Lemmy 0.19.0. Voyager is not yet compatible with that version of Lemmy.

    The Eternity client (0.1.2) works better for the moment, but is not flawless either.

      • federalreverse-old
        16 months ago

        Alright. I’d been logged out of a number of times in Voyager too. So, it might just be bad error handling. (Before the upgrade of to 0.19.0, I never had any issues with Voyager though. But the upgrade has been associated with a whole bunch of errors everywhere.)