• @Dmian@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Israel has all the right to defend themselves from a Hamas attack, nobody should question that.

    What they don’t have the right to, is to punish the whole population of Gaza by cutting the water an energy supply. How is that allowed? Why nobody is condemning that? Netanyahu is just starting a second Nakba. That shouldn’t be allowed.

    And if Europe really recognizes the right of the Palestinian population to freedom and justice, they should start by denouncing the illegal settlements of the West Bank. How is being stripped of your land or home justice? How is being forced to pay a fee to leave the Gaza strip freedom?

    Of course, Hamas needs to stop with the terrorist attacks, and recognize the right of Israel to exist. The PLO did this, and it was a step for peace.

    But you can’t achieve piece by only putting the burden on one side. As long as Israel’s illegal annexation of territories is not denounced and stopped, only asking Palestine to respect Israel is being unfair, to say the least.

    Both sides are doing terrible things to the other, but only one side is condemned, and only one side is being supported. This will not bring anything close to peace.

    Just in case it’s not sufficiently clear: terrorist attacks are unacceptable, and should never be a tool to achieve anything. I’m not justifying Hamas in any capacity.

      • @Dmian@lemmy.world
        159 months ago

        Honestly, I have no idea. They’re cornered in Gaza, without resources and any way to reach a viable future. And they’re losing territories by the day in the West Bank.

        War may result, most probably, in a Israeli win. Terrorism is always denounced by the international community. And trying a peaceful solution will only serve for settlers to keep occupying their territories, and obliterating their population.

        They’re in a dire situation, and without a powerful ally they’re going to get exterminated by right wing Israeli forces…

        This attack looks like a desperate attempt at gaining some attention and a possible point of negotiation. But they’re in a very vulnerable position.

        It’s incredibly sad.