• 🦄🦄🦄
    -29 months ago

    VeGaNs BAAAD amirite??? Updoots to the left my fellow narwhals *tips fedora*

    • @ChronosWing@lemmy.zip
      179 months ago

      Vegans are fine, PETA on the other hand is a shitty horrible organization that needs to burn in a fire.

    • @VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
      99 months ago

      Vegans are like religious people: most of them are totally fine. It’s the preachy and overly defensive ones that suck.

      • @DarthFrodo@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Would you also consider it preachy when people criticize other cases of animal harm, like bullfighting or dog beating, or is it just the financing of factory farming that can’t be criticized? If not, what’s the difference? It’s troublesome that people enforce a social stigma that you can’t talk about what we do to farm animals without suffering social consequences.

      • @dukepontus@sh.itjust.works
        9 months ago

        I have never seen a vegan preach, here or on reddit. But i have seen hundreds of comments complaining about preachy vegans.

        • @VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
          -19 months ago

          That’s a streaming load of horse shit. You’re evidently wearing ideological blinders rivaling those of religious fundamentalists.

        • @Blackmist@feddit.uk
          -39 months ago

          Because they’re using veganism as a substitute for having a personality. Never goes well.

          If you tell anybody to stop doing something they like they’re going to tell you to fuck off.

          • @Vegasimov@reddthat.com
            29 months ago

            Yeah like when they told us we shouldn’t use slaves anymore! Get off your high horse and stop telling us what to do!

            • Sybil
              49 months ago

              comparing slavex to animals is what slavers do.

              • @wafflez@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                It’s comparing slave owner rhetoric to non-vegan rhetoric. Just because the word vegan comes up doesn’t mean animals are being compared.

                • Sybil
                  9 months ago

                  it’s comparing the institution of slavery with the institution of animal husbandry. it’s comparing slaves to animals. it’s fucking gross.

              • @Vegasimov@reddthat.com
                -19 months ago

                Carnists have such bad reading comprehension. Let’s try another one and see if you get it

                Yeah like when they told us we should give women rights! Get off your high horse and stop telling us what to do!

              • Sybil
                49 months ago

                i think this is a form of the “appeal to ridicule”

      • @dx1@lemmy.world
        -39 months ago

        Yeah, it’s the ones who talk about their thoughts that are the issue. Fucking jerks!

        • @VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
          99 months ago

          You can talk about your thoughts without being overly sensitive to criticism and ridicule. If you’d just chill the fuck out, I bet most other vegans would like you more too.

          • @dx1@lemmy.world
            -119 months ago

            I am not accepting non-vegans’ opinions on how to be a better vegan at this time. I will keep your comments on file.

              • @dx1@lemmy.world
                -119 months ago

                Awesome. Thanks for helping make Lemmy a negative place inhospitable to differing viewpoints!

                  • @dx1@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    You’re literally posting anti-vegan shit, then vegans come into the replies and it’s “oh no I’m being attacked”. You’re trivializing real concerns and trashing people who disagree. GTFO of here with that bullshit.

            • @VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
              29 months ago

              I’m not offering you advice on how to be a vegan. I have no experience with being a vegan, so I wouldn’t be qualified.

              I do, however, have a lot of experience with not acting like an insufferable zealot with a persecution complex.

              • @dx1@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                Yes, this is the typical reaction people have to vegans saying ANYTHING. It is not fun for us to live our entire lives prohibited from ever being able to say what WE THINK. You clearly do not have experience being a vegan, the social reception you get for taking a perfectly reasonable stance is just open hostility that you’re not even allowed to defend yourself against. Which is on full display to anyone reading this thread.

                • unhappy_grapefruit 2OP
                  49 months ago

                  This is a typical reaction to people like you not vegans vegetarians or other diets or food fads I don’t shit on someone because they like pink sauce I shit on someone based on the character and personality

                • @VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
                  29 months ago

                  Fun fact: like most people, I’m pretty damn ridiculous at times. This means that I sometimes am the object of criticism and/or ridicule. You and I have that in common.

                  Here’s the difference, though: I don’t go out of my way to play the persecuted martyr.

                  Not eating meat is a perfectly reasonable personal decision. Not using any animal products of any kind sounds difficult to the point of constant exhaustion to me personally, but if that’s what makes you happy, then that’s good.

                  Just like the bad kind of religious person though, you’re preaching that everyone who doesn’t make the same choice is wrong and should be ashamed of themselves. While simultaneously acting like everyone’s out to get you no matter what you say and do. That’s not not reasonable.

                  • @dx1@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    I am not “going out of my way to play the persecuted martyr”, I opened the Lemmy home page and “post trashing vegans” was post #3. I thought I left this shit behind when I left reddit, but now it’s here too.

                    Not using animal products is not exhausting. I’ve done it for a decade and it’s a remarkably easy change where 99% of the difficulty comes from the wider society being hostile to it.

                    It is an ethical position based on an actual reality of animal agriculture causing vast suffering that we have chosen to opt out of supporting. It is absolutely reasonable and selfless to advocate for the rights of others at a minor, negligible personal sacrifice. It is not a sign of a need to shame others, a need to be a martyr, or any other personality defect that you’re going to project on vegans based on a stereotype despite knowing NOTHING about any of us as individuals. Nobody is trying to make you “feel ashamed”, we are pointing out objective facts about how the animal ag industry causes harm to animals, and then people like you, like you’re doing in this comment, right here, launch into this whole frigging diatribe about how vegans are shaming you and judging you and have a god complex and should just shut up and go back into their corners, because god forbid anyone should ever suggest that anything you’re doing is less than perfectly ethical.

                    It’s bullshit. I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve been living with this for years and it’s absolute bullshit. Your position is wrong, it’s not a statement about you as a person, it’s a statement you should change your behavior. We are NOT at fault for showing the truth of the matter, that’s just a reactionary and ignorant position that people use to try to rationalize what’s convenient for them.

            • @ZaroniPepperoni@lemmy.world
              19 months ago

              How would you be a better vegan? Is there a competitive vegan league? Is there a cash prize that goes out to whoever can anthropomorphize animals the most in dogshit ads? Because if so, I think making an Islamic state beheading video but with chickens shouting “Death to KFC!” Would really sell veganism to the American audience. Or maybe we could settle for annoying shitposters on a meme community. Both have an equal chance of working (0%)

              • unhappy_grapefruit 2OP
                9 months ago

                If petah made an Islamic beheading video with chickens shouting death to kfc I would immediately reconsider my dietary choices

                Although I should reconsider my dietary choices already it’s not like I make good ones

              • @dx1@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                He replied to me acting like I was at fault for defending myself. IDK why you’re going on this tangent of all the perceived slights vegans have done against you by speaking their minds. This is really fucked up, tbph, there’s a completely unreasonable expectation that vegans are never to speak about the ethics of animal agriculture to anyone.

                • @ZaroniPepperoni@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  See that’s interesting, when I tried to respectfully speak my mind on the vegan community in lemmy they just banned me after one comment, but exuse me for laughing at vegans whenever they leave their walled gardens and cry when nobody on the lemmy shitposting community wants to hear from the vegan community. You talk up and down about intellect and facts, but whenever I actually engage with vegans they have (90% of the time) just deleted or banned any criticism. That may or may not be you, but when you talk about vegans as a whole being this “oppressed community” unable to speak their mind, it’s just funny to me. Because at least here, you can come and be ridiculed, but you won’t be banned or censored.

                  • @dx1@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    I have a pretty good sense you posted something inflammatory and obnoxious in a vegan community, and frankly that doesn’t excuse you being hostile to vegans elsewhere, even if it was something you wrote in good faith and got banned for. Pointing out “hypocrisy” on the part of a group of people with heterogenous beliefs does not make sense.