The row centres around the exhibition ‘This is Colonialism’ and the museum’s decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display

Police officers are gathered in front of the Zeche Zollern museum in Dortmund, the focus of what social networks are describing as a racism scandal.

The row centres around the exhibition ‘This is Colonialism’ and the museum’s decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display. For several months now, Saturdays at the museum have been reserved for black people and people of colour to explore a colonialism exhibition

The museum claims the objective is not to be discriminatory, but to reserve a safe space for reflection for non-whites.

  • Nobsi
    -29 months ago

    You dont even reason. you just keep repeating the same argument you had 2 posts ago.
    Its not discrimination. youre not missing out on anything. you just cannot access a safe space for bipoc. you can also not enter any womens shelters. are you now arguing that you are being discriminated against for being the wrong gender?

    • Nefyedardu
      9 months ago

      you just keep repeating the same argument

      There is only one argument. Whether or not this is discrimination. You just plainly say it isn’t because “they [White people] aren’t being treated differently” with absolutely no justification for that claim. How can you not see that’s just plainly nonsense? There wouldn’t be a controversy if that was the case. This article wouldn’t exist if that was the case. I suspect you are confused because you are thinking “discrimination” is something else. Maybe English is your second language or something but I did post the definition…

      Everything else you bring up about women’s shelters and not being able to get a job and the “WhItE PeOpLe ArE sO OpPrEsSeD!” talking point are just red herrings that have no bearing on anything I said. I’m blocking you because I’m wasting my time replying to you spelling all this out, have a nice day.

      • Nobsi
        -19 months ago

        Lmao snowflake. Truly the most oppressed white people. Gamers rise up

      • Nobsi
        19 months ago

        It’s obvious that the argument still persists because you do not understand the Article.

        This is not a public venue, this is a safe space. just like a womens shelter is also a safe space.
        Just because you can enter it some times, doesnt mean you are being discriminated against.
        This is not a public toilet. This is not your local town hall. it is a museum that you pay to enter.

        There you go. now you hopefully understand this very basic concept.
        As you also have not realised. This is not white vs. black.
        It’s colonized vs. colonisers.

          • Nobsi
            19 months ago

            The “threat” thst you are looking for is mentioned in every article about this topic that isn’t written by right-wing media.
            Nobody cared about it before, only right-wingers or ““centrists”” do. People affected by the late effects of colonization deserve a safe space just like anyone else does. It’s for people of once colonized countries to talk to eachother, without anyone being there that may “nuh uhhhh that’s not what happened”.
            If you don’t see the need for this you may just be too privileged to understand any of it.
            Why shouldnt BiPOC people have a place where they can just be them? “Because i wanna go there” is not enough of an argument.

              • Nobsi
                09 months ago

                “Im have never been good at taking advantage of my privilege and I would not want to but project on me all you want, it´s just in your head so I don´t mind.”

                Wheres the daily racism towards you? Wheres the constant threat of deportation? All you are is a snowflake that cannot handle being told no.

                "I doubt that the tone of skin […] "
                Then you doubted wrong. How are you so delusional? Do you ever touch grass?
                In this country arabs, turks, germans who don’t quite look german and other Immigrants are being shittalked constantly. They are being treated differently. What the fuck does your theory of how society should work have anything to do with reality?

                  • Nobsi
                    09 months ago

                    “never said there was racism towards me”.
                    I know. I asked for your validity that you arent using your privilege. You just validated that you have a privilege. Good reading comprehension on your part.

                    “However, I grew up in Hamburg, St. Pauli/Altona/”

                    Okay cool, i live in Hamburg now and i hear Germans calling my friends kanaken and ausländer all the time. Your heartwarming story doesn’t even come close to proving the opposite of what i said. Oh you were friends with eith your friends? What a breaking discovery. People that grow up together arent racist towards eachother. Wow, nobel prize right here.

                    “By the way, the decision for the partial banning of white people from the exhibition was made by a white person”.
                    And? Cry about it.