I have recently received several ads on LinkedIn regarding workation. I am not sure if I think it sounds stupid or not.

I get the appeal of going south (I am from Denmark, we just had the most rainy summer ever recorded) and enjoy the weather, but at the same time it sounds like the perfect way to not enjoy your time abroad.

I work in a position where I could easily ask to work remote for a week or two, thus the targeting ad is correct that I am in the segment.

Any thoughts, experience or opinion on this?

  • @philpo
    411 months ago

    We do it regularly - but from a much different angle than the US is sometimes promoting it.

    We take 2-3 weeks off work as everyone does in my country. The problem is: Schools off much longer and neither the wife nor I can get more than 3 weeks off in a row (there are other school holidays to cover as well…). So we usually add another week or one and a half and work with reduced hours (accrued overtime, neither of us works for more than 5h per day) and usually mixed (half the time I take off work, half the time she is off work) time off periods. That works wonders as it is still much more relaxing than being back in the daily grind at home and the location away from home forces you to not do something about all the leftover chores waiting for you at home and often it’s easier to get the kids entertained at a vacation location. That helps a lot.

    Actually my friends company explicitly promotes this type of arrangements as they found their staff satisfaction to be much higher this way.

    If you just go somewhere else to work from there without time out…well… that’s a fucking business trip. Not a vacation.